Below are links to all the pages in my “Mischief on the Farm” book so you or your teacher can print them out and make as many copies as you want.  Have fun matching the pictures, color the barn, search for words and help Jenny, Joy and Jay find their way through the mazes. Then see if you can answer the question’s on the stories or try the Post-it Note and What if Activities.  

Fun and Learn Activities

Jennifer Laurie Beauchamp

Most of all have fun and join Jenny, Joy and Jay on an adventure of learning and go out and create some adventures of your own!

"Roots Tied Down"

"Mischief on the Farm"

Welcome to the Fun & Learn Activities page!

I would love to know you are looking up more information about Midwestern farm life in Indiana on or other websites.

                        Just another fun way to explore the world we live in!